We sat down with Dan Hoekstra, Regional Sales Manager at Cretex Specialty Products for a quick Q&A focused on solving inflow and infiltration for cities and municipalities. Check out how the conversation went.
Q: If you could share only one I&I tip, what would it be?
A: Great question! I like to tell cities, municipalities and public works departments to identify their biggest source of I&I, and focus on fixing that issue as efficiently as possible. And, when they make the necessary plans to fix the issue, to utilize solutions that will last so they do not need to worry about that location again.
Q: Are there are new techniques for detecting I&I?
A: Absolutely! While smoke and dye testing are still great solutions for detecting I&I, new technologies like video and flow monitoring services are now available and can help detect I&I issues quicker. And the quicker an I&I issue can be detected, the faster it can be fixed.
Q: Is there a tip to stop I&I that the majority of customers have never heard?
A: That’s an interesting question, since those in the field have likely heard a multitude of tips over the years. I’d say, be sure to follow the proper installation instructions for the I&I solution that has been selected. While that’s more of a reminder, it’s an important one.
Q: What’s the most obvious I&I tip?
A: Doing something to stop I&I is better than doing nothing at all. As a follow-up, while doing something is good, making the choice to solve the issue the right way, and for the long-term, is the ideal.
Q: What is the least obvious I&I tip?
A: Don’t take shortcuts during the installation process. It may sound obvious, but with a reduced labor force, shortcuts can often be a tempting option. The majority of the time, taking a shortcut during the installation process can lead to I&I returning, dissatisfaction with the product selected and potentially a voided warranty.
Q: If you were speaking to someone completely new to the industry, what advice would you give them about stopping I&I?
A: Start with an inspection and identify the source, or sources, of the I&I problem. From there, determine a long-lasting solution to fix the problem. What I mean by that is review the available solutions for longevity, warranty and how the solution has helped other cities or municipalities – don’t just focus on price, because that old saying, “you get what you pay for” can often times ring true when fixing I&I issues.
Q: What are some cities and municipalities doing incorrectly in their fight to stop I&I?
A: The big thing I’ve experienced is customers sticking with what they’ve done in the past, just because “that’s how they’ve always done it”, even when the solution doesn’t solve the problem long-term! Traffic loads, snow plows, road salt chemicals, sewer acids and water tables have changed over the last several decades, which means the solutions of the past, which haven’t changed, are no longer working. Look at the newer solutions that have proven results. And by proven, I mean that the issue has been fixed for good.
Q: What’s one tip you think everyone should know about.
A: Cretex offers free product demonstrations. During these demonstrations we bring our products and work with your team to fix an I&I issue in your area, literally for free. No cost, no gimmicks, no catch. We do these product demonstrations to show cities and municipalities that there is a way to stop I&I for good. And, it’s easy to request a free product demo, fill out the form on our website!
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